Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Night 7.....i´m such a jackass!!!

So I awoke to the overpowering smell of gas at 11:30pm. I woke some of my amigos, who are traveling with their 4 year old, they agreed....gas leak..we needed to evacuate our hotel.

On the street, waiting for someone, I took some charge. There were more amigos upstairs who did not hear the banging on the exterior doors. They could be trapped. So I ran to the adjoining center down the street, managed to eek out enough spanish to get keys. I raced back to the hotel, with the impending explosion on my mind. I tore up the stairs, feeling much like what i imaged a 9/11 firefighter felt on that awful morning. I unlocked the exterior, banged down interior doors, woke my friends, yelling...gas leak, we have to evacuate. Everyone gathered their passports, visas, money, and ran....down to the adjoining center. Then I recalled many in our group went out to the bar...their passports and visas locked in their rooms. How would they get home after the fire? I raced back into the hotel, dashing thru rooms, rummaging and searching, gathering precious items that people would be grateful I saved...I sort of got a rush out of feeling like a hero for the first time in my life...i have to i proudly sat with belongings and visas in the center, awaiting the news from the òfficials. People started staggering home from the bar, I met them in the streets to explain our dilemna, assured them help was on the way, and proudly gave them their belongings. They were too drunk to give me the hero´s welcome I felt assured i would receive in the morning when the awoke, sober. Until...

....the officials came to the center. They reported that there was no gas leak, in fact no gas supply even in the building...only a small propane tank in the kitchen that was closed. Long story....but the smell had to do with something completely different...some natural gas thing going on ten miles away....that occured often...its even in Frommer´s Guide To Cuba (I checked). My amigos grumbled and took their shit and went to bed. I stirred the rest of the night. LMAO at myself


  1. Well, at least ur intentions were admirable.... Don't really know why else to say, but the words "goof & jackass" come to mind. Lol. I feel like I am reading a short story in Chelsea Chelsea bang bang! Be careful!

  2. LMAO too the point of tears...
    Stay Safe Girl

  3. You did a great job if something really happened you would have saved the day. I am proud to call you my friend. Not many people in this day and age would give two craps about other people. Cudos!

  4. Chapter 8 - Title: Banana rats and Jackass.....

  5. Chapter 8: Banana Rats and the Jackass
